Templates for People, Places, and Organizations

Open Data is great - despite the fact most historians have no idea what it is or how to use it. It uses standard vocabularies, namespaces, and taxonomies to describe data, allowing researchers to move data from one context to another easily. Yet it's also rather complicated for the average humanities scholar (let's be honest here) since it also requires familiarity with data types and formats like XML, JSON, Turtle, etc. These aren't always usually picked up for those with mind towards prose and manuscripts, though they're not difficult, really. When it comes to the bibliographic world, we now have excellent tools for quickly creating lists and generating metadata as needed - Zotero, EndNote
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EEBO-TCP Phase I Metadata Mashup revision II

I'm releasing a revised version of the EEBO-TCP Phase I metadata mashup I created last fall. There were some issues with nested elements in the which needed addressing. These new headers will soon make their way into DREaM. Here is the revised version: EEBO TCP Phase 1 DREaM Metadata Headers - May 6, 2016 (~43MB zipped). For more on the full process and EEBO-TCP policies for using Phase I, see my earlier post EEBO-TCP Metadata Mashup
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